Our hope is to continue providing access to quality healthcare and supportive services for those living at the margins

The Mary Ward Primary Health Care Centre is the third of the core programs at Loreto Rumbek

At the PHCC, we provide

  • Basic health education and nutrition support
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene education
  • Maternal and well-baby care
  • Identification, referral and provision of childhood immunizations
  • Control and treatment of communicable diseases
  • Identification and referral of clients for appropriate health management
  • Provision of essential drugs and supplies to those with minor illnesses and conditions
  • Psychosocial support and counselling

What we Provide

A comprehensive approach to providing basic essential health care to the Loreto schools as well as surrounding community particularly vulnerable women and children. 

0 Consultations

The Loreto Primary Health Care Centre
has an average of 3,000 consultations per month.

Health Education

Promotion of mother & child health


Preventing nutrient deficiency


Identification and referral of children


Promotion of safe water and sanitation

Disease Control

Control and treatment of communicable diseases

Mental Health Support

Psycho-education, mental health café and individual sessions

Trauma Healing

In a community that continues to suffer persistent trauma, the PHCC continues to play a key role in trauma healing through identification of such cases, facilitating care and networking with other organizations that provide services such as workshops to all the clients identified as needing such services.

In a recent survey it was discovered that many of the students had experienced various forms of trauma mostly psychological.

One on one debriefing meetings with staff have proved to be quite therapeutic.

The PHCC continues to provide a safe place and space for the students to share and express themselves.

Making a difference

Over the school breaks, small group sessions are held for secondary students based on the Trauma Healing Institute model.

The positive results of such sessions are quite evident and encouraging as more and more continue to offer and avail themselves for such sessions.

You can help us keep this vital service going

Support our health care service

Mary Ward Primary Health Care Centre continues to provide vital access to quality healthcare and support - find out how you can help us keep this service going.

Students conduct a science experiment in the Loreto Primary School outside Rumbek, South Sudan. The school is run by the Institute for the Blessed Virgin Mary--the Loreto Sisters--of Ireland.
Secondary group laughing
A girl drinks water in an emergency feeding program for malnourished children at the Loreto School in Rumbek, South Sudan. The school, run by the Institute for the Blessed Virgin Mary--the Loreto Sisters--of Ireland, has opened its compound to hundreds of nearby villagers facing hunger because of ongoing conflict and climate change.