The school has various clubs that students participate in during their free times. Some of these are listed here.
Agriculture and Environment
Every learner participates in Agriculture and takes care of the environment. We plant crops and harvest them for the school kitchen. We also plant and maintain trees.

Music and Dance
Music and dance are essential in our culture. The students practice songs and learn different dances and present them during school functions.

Remedial English and Mathematics
On Mondays through Fridays, small groups of P7 and P8 students meet to practice their English and Mathematics skills with the help of two teachers.
The small class size and slow pace of these sessions allow students to learn in a low stress environment with more individual attention from their teachers.
We have weekly debates in the upper primary classes. This club aims to help the students improve their linguistic ability and build confidence. It gives the students a chance to discuss emerging issues and helps create future leaders.
All students are encouraged to participate in sports which are played every day during break/recess and after lunch.

Science and Computers
Students meet in small groups, to conduct science experiments. The science explorations are based on the science topics currently being studied in class and are facilitated by a teacher.
Students are encouraged to participate hands-on, inquiry driven science experiments using science kits and local sourced or recycled materials. Students also use self-paced educational apps on tablets to practice Mathematics with the help of a teacher.
At the end of the term the students present their experiments to the whole school.